

The school of the animals
It was a day like any other, all the animals went  toward the school, each of them went out of his burrow course to it, this school was pedagogic  and had various training areas, taking into account each capability and need of the students.

That morning the student community recaved bad news, that the physical education teacher had an accident, and there fore had sent out replacement. In the physical education class were the best, sportive animals class, the rabbit, the eagle and the tortoise.
The new teacher wanted that the tortoise had the ability to run and jump like the rabbit and and fly like the eagle, this brought serious consequences for his health, the rabbit has a broken paw because he tried to fly, the eagle had gotten  its plumage a disaster because it tried to swim, the tortoise has dented its shell because it tried to jump out and fly, because for obvious reasons these were not spaces for their proper development.

When they returned to their homes, their parents could not believe not tolerate. The next day, the animals  parents, wen to complain to the  teacher, and the master  realized his error, and investigated on the spaces of training to ensure that that problem won´t occure in the future again

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